Coaches Corner Foundations is an 8 week introductory kettlebell teaching course where we, together, start the journey towards learning how to coach Kettlebell Athletes and adapt for any body shape, size or ability.

Become a Kettlebell coach that creates safe spaces for every personal fitness journey.

The ONLY course with a size-inclusive, trauma-informed approach to Kettlebell teaching (Created and launched January 2021)

video feedback

6 months access to all classes and recordings

Safe Kettlebell handling guide

Simple homework practice and daily accountability

Chat directly with Damali with the Lift Off App.

Completed Video Exercise Library for each movement


MODULE 1: Breath and Tension

Serving people of all different personalities, values, backgrounds and bodies. Where do we start? Crawl, walk, run is the process and we all start with our breath.

The focus here is to learn how to create and teach full body tension, from the ground up. We get comfortable holding the kettlebell and start your personal coaches manual.

MODULE 2: Hip Hinge/Deadlift

During the second week we look to see alignment and stacking of the kettlebell's centre of mass with the body and joints as an essential skill for all kettlebell instructors.

Teach the hinge pattern in that connects for the person in front of you so we Look & See, noticing there are many parts to the story.

MODULE 3: Strict Press

Grip matters are introduced with continued progression through alignment to the body of the user.

Teach how to become aware of linkage through the body as tension is created and irradiated through the movement.

MODULE 4: Squat

We are not here to fix people, we are here to connect them to themselves so we teach them to see their movement through everyday tasks and movements - Teach them to sit

MODULE 5: Kettlebell Clean

The kettlebell is not a handbag and the clean is not mechanism of destruction. It is a powerful ballistic movement and the most efficient transitional mechanism for kettlebell athletes and lifters.

MODULE 6: Lunge

Looking again at alignment and preparation for more complex kettlebell movements like the Turkish Get Up or just The Get Up (TGU). the question is “Can you tie your shoe laces?”

MODULE 7: Swing

THE kettlebell movement to be mastered and it started at week 1 with irradiating tension.

● Learn guidelines for choosing weights for ballistic movements.

● Teach the powerful long lever hardstyle technique to for all bodies.

MODULE 8: Teach Back

Everything comes together is a group coaching Teach-Back session. Coaches teaching coaches in a safe judgement free environment. Practice being seen and heard while gaining valuable knowledge from the other coaches in your cohort.

I created this course to break down the barriers to kettlebell training, making it accessible to all bodies regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, body size, ability or sexual orientation.

This is for you if you:

  • Are personal trainers, yoga, pilates, strength and movement coaches who may or may not already be certified Kettlebell instructors

  • Want to have the confidence to pick up a kettlebell and know exactly how to teach the basics on all body types

  • Want to compliment sports performance and joyful movement practices

  • Put safety first and want to ensure the kettlebell is handled appropriately to reduce likelihood of injury

  • Need simple ways to quickly identify proper technique and form with kettlebell movements

  • Want to increase confidence in utilizing the kettlebell for teaching either one on one or within group fitness classes

  • Want their teaching approach to be simple and welcoming, where the student is the expert of their body



$750 USD

If you’re interested in becoming a certified Inclusive Kettlebell Coach head straight to Coaches Corner!

  • “Loved the Breakout #1 Session where we worked on tension, a huge eye opener on where the origin of your kettlebell practice is"

    • Rated 10/10 Extremely Valuable experience

  • "The whole thing is taught from a social equity lens so we have some really great discussions around power and privilege within the fitness industry but also within the broader social context"


  • "Coach Damali offers a one-of-a-kind experience for coaches. Her person-centered approach makes it possible for coaches who practice other modalities to integrate kettlebell training into their teaching and coaching with confidence and competence. More importantly, Damali's approach to teaching both empowers and challenges all coaches to make a life-long practice of creating supportive, nurturing and appropriately challenging spaces for everyone - especially those who might feel marginalized or typically under-represented in fitness and wellness spaces Thanks, Coach! I'm a better coach because of Coaches Corner."


  • "Coach Damali is a teacher's teacher, she comes prepared every single week with clear objectives for her students. .. even the homework is awesome!"



  • Not just for the Kettlebell enthusiast. Coaches Corner models the learning journey into an easy-to-digest sequence you can immediately apply to your teaching. You do not need any previous experience teaching kettlebells, everything will be taught to you in the program;

    For a safe way to progressively lock into your kettlebell skills

    • Class will be THURSDAYS at 6:30pm EST.

    • Each Class is 90 min

    • There will be OFFICE HOURS every Friday at 12PM EST.

  • You will have access to the course materials for 6 months.

    During the duration of the 8-weeks your effort is approximately:

    • 1.5 hours per week for the live group calls.

    • Prep time for each session approx. 30 mins each week.

    • Kettlebell practice time approx. 15 mins a day,

    • Homework weekly 45 mins each week.

    • 45-min optional office hours and whiteboard chat.

  • We encourage everyone to keep their cameras on during our live group coaching sessions! This allows you to fully engage in our interactive breakout sessions where you'll get to practice your coaching skills and receive valuable feedback.

    For those concerned about privacy, we recommend finding a quiet, private space in your home or using a co-working space to maintain your privacy while participating.

  • We take a weight-neutral approach to training.

    All our programming will aim to support your clients personal goals. However, we are clear that there is no presumption that weight loss is a goal or priority. Everybody has different size limbs, some bellies protrude, some hang or jiggle.

    Kettlebell training at Lift Off is inclusive of all sizes, smallest to largest. We also consider impacts of weight sigma, weight bias and take a health at every size approach to fitness.

  • We believe that kettlebell training can be a form of weight lifting adopted as an adjunct intervention for trauma. We address the impact of trauma within individuals and within their communities when participating in a movement practice with kettlebells. We also ascribe to the essential principles of Trauma Informed Weight Lifting (TIWL)

    Trauma Informed Weight Lifting is committed to principles of practice that incorporate anti-oppression and anti-racist frameworks (Do Less Harm) and values as well as trauma-informed frameworks and values (Then Do Good).

  • All live sessions will be recorded and made available in the student portal.

  • The student portal opens August 1, 2024.

    Pre-reads, downloadable reading list and prep homework will be available at that time. The first live group coaching call is on August 8, 2024. The classes run for 8 consecutive weeks..

  • The investment is $750 USD

“I walked away with much more then just the kettlebell skills specifically, but a lot of golden nuggets to help me fine tune my skills as a coach in general”


“She taught me so much as a coach— less is more, trust the process, and think differently about things you think you know best. While she is an amazing coach for any and every level, she is the coach this industry needs and who professionals can learn so much from.”


Wondering if this is right for you? Meet coaches who have completed this training,